
Use the search feature below to access a wealth of information on your chosen topic from magazines, journals and other educational research databases.

Access over thirty databases for free online using your library card. Get help with school work, personal finances, business research, learning, genealogy, and more.

Please note that and the Colorado Grants Guide may only be accessed within the library.

Looking for a specific database adapted to your current needs or schoolwork? These lists of databases will quickly find you what you need:


Research and study from home or in the library. Learn a new language, take a continuing education course, or research journal articles for a class.

Business & Finance

Research markets, investments, businesses, economies and nonprofit resources using a variety of databases.

Skills & Support

Keep your brain active with craft and language tutorials, look up car maintenance schematics, access health and wellness resources, or find a new book to read.

History & Genealogy

Start your history search here. Look up your family history, find obituaries, and research Salida history.